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  • 联 系 人:吴火育
  • 联系电话:059****7070;135****1559;059****10826;
  • 联系地址:福建省三明市梅列区崇桂新村28幢7号店 [查看地图]
当前位置: 三明市众诚汽车零部件有限公司 > 机构简介

    三明市众诚汽车零部件有限公司成立于2006年,专营各种卡车/重型车的制动部件,产品全部出口!主要产品有:刹车毂,刹车片,钢圈,车轴等.公司有稳定的销售网络,年出口达美元200万左右.公司位于福建省南部,交通便利,临近福州港/厦门港.(Founded in 1995, FUJIAN SANMING ZHONGCHENG MACHINERY GROUP CO., LTD is one of the largest professional manufacturers of auto parts in China.

??It is located in SANMING that has convenient traffic because the city is near XIAMEN and FUZHOU harbor.

??There are 1000 employees now and has 3 factories and 4 cooperative factories. The products are exported to Singapore, Indonesia, Thailand, Taiwan, Malaysia and South Africa.